The latest installment is set in 1969 following the dissolution of the local police force and the merging with a larger constabulary. The story focuses on the team as they adjust to their new roles.
Endeavour has reluctantly adapted to a quiet life in a remote countryside location while Thursday finds himself in a challenging new position at a strict station working alongside a former rival and a new partner. Meanwhile Strange has taken on a management role and Bright has been moved to the Traffic department. Joan has returned to Oxford and is training for a career in social services.
The atmosphere of 1969 is darker and more challenging marking the end of the Summer of Love. The unresolved murder of a colleague continues to cast a shadow over the team.
- Set in 1969
- Focus on team adjusting to new roles
- Endeavour in a remote countryside location
- Thursday at a strict station with a former rival
- Strange in a management role
- Bright in the Traffic department
- Joan training for social services
- Dark and challenging atmosphere
- Unresolved murder case affecting the team